【ラハティ国際ポスタートリエンナーレ2021 】入選しました。

フィンランドのラハティ・ポスター美術館が主催する 世界的なポスターコンペティション、ラハティ国際ポスタートリエンナーレ2021にて 「0展2019」ポスターが入選しました。

My poster works [Zero Exhibition 2019] was selected for Lahti International Poster Triennial 2021, an international competition by Lahti poster museum in Finland. The competition is held once every three years. This time, I heard that 2,500 posters from 51 different countries were submitted and only 350 posters were selected. The exhibition of the competition will be held in Lahti poster museum and my poster will become part of Museum's collection afterwards. I’m gladly.
